A-9 Building, Third Floor, North Campus +91 1905 267278 infraoffice@iitmandi.ac.in


We are using best practices for good housekeeping and our objective is to keep the pollutants away from contacting rain and to avoid dumping waste anywhere on the campus. The door-to-door waste collection system is in place to avoid aforesaid issues. There is a complete ban on using any kind of toxic cleaning chemicals on campus. The manpower is being trained to follow upon the processes and their safety aspects too. We are having an effective waste management plan, below are a few benefits of a robust waste management plan:

  • Protecting the environment
  • Preserving human health
  • Minimizing unsightly waste
  • Reducing natural resource consumption

Get In Touch

A-9 Building, Third Floor, North Campus


+91 1905 267278

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